Our ‘Living’ Churchyard

by Nigel Symington

  • Our Churcyard in OCTOBER

    What image does the word 'harvest' bring to mind? .....

  • Our Churchyard in AUGUST

    ..... we have a large population of grasshoppers and crickets in the meadow ......

  • Our Churchyard in JULY

    A Cuckoo Bumble Bee ….. nectaring on the purple flowers of the knapweed.

  • Our Churchyard in JUNE

    On entering he churchyard on a sunny day, my senses are assaulted from two directions……

  • Our Churchyard in MAY

    One thing that is striking is how all these different insects coexist quite peaceably alongside each other. Is it because they know they’re in a churchyard or is it ever thus??

  • Our Churchyard in OCTOBER

    By embracig landscape-scale conservation, we can ensure a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations, where nature’s beauty and diversity continue to thrive on a grand scale

  • Our Churchyard in SEPTEMBER

    There are many animals that hide from human beings - can you blame them …..