~ Wealden Council Legacy
As Wealden District is terminated, and the services we provide are absorbed into a larger unitary authority, Wealden DC will have a limited ability to shape the new authority. Nevertheless, the Alliance is determined to leave the strongest possible legacy. This means supporting the Parish Councils to be a robust voice of representation at the level closest to residents; investing in projects and organisations that will outlive the District Council; and getting our Local Plan passed, to ensure that we have effective policy protections in place, for the benefit of our residents in the future. We are concerned that the extensive letter from the Minister in charge of local government reorganisation mentioned many things, but not once referred to nature or the environment. Wealden District has the largest proportion of ancient woodland of any district in the UK. We will continue with our climate and biodiversity strategy to promote the stewardship of these and other irreplaceable natural treasures.

~ Community Grants Programme
We are incredibly lucky to have our lives enhanced by many vital voluntary and community organisations. However, as costs and demand for their services increase, they are finding it increasingly difficult to find funding. In response, Wealden has significantly increased total funding of community grants to £270,000 a year, for three years. The largest beneficiary was Wealden Citizen Advice, which received 70% of the total allocation. Wealden District Council works closely with such organisations, offering advice and guidance as well as financial support. In return, they are an essential lifeline for many residents who face the greatest need.

~ Project Ripple Effect
A personal priority is the health of our rivers. I am a founder member of Project Ripple Effect - a citizen science waterway resilience initiative working in partnership with the University of Sussex. The project continues to grow and “ripple out.” Most recently we worked with the volunteers from the William Robinson Charity at the Gravetye Estate. The project is part of the Medway Catchment Partnership that collaborates on restoration and monitoring projects to improve the health of the river. Ripple Effect has also sparked interest in local groups in the Ouse catchment. If you would like to find out more or become a volunteer go to: https://project-ripple-effect.co.uk/. We will be running a Riverfly training day on
18th March.

As ever, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please do reach out to me
and I will do my best to help.

Cllr. Christina Coleman
07718 208340

~ Elections Indefinitely Suspended
Angela Rayner has confirmed that Sussex is one of six local authority areas to be placed on the Priority Programme of local government reorganisation. As a result, Wealden District Council will cease to exist at some point in the next three years. The elections that were due to go ahead this May will be cancelled. This means you will be denied your democratic right to choose the administration who will oversee the greatest shake-up of local government in decades. More than 5 million people will lose their right to vote in local elections for the foreseeable future. I share the frustrations expressed by many regarding the role played by the Conservative leadership of East Sussex County Council in enabling this approach.