from Fletching Parish Council

Clerk and responsible officer: Gabriella Paterson-Griggs ~ Tel: 07534 959772

Gabriella Paterson-~Griggs
Tel: 07534 959772

~ New Parish Councillor:
I am pleased to report that the Parish Council has co-opted a new parish councillor. He is Dave Woollven who has lifelong roots in the parish having lived in Fletching all his life. He is also a governor at the school where his children attend. He is very much looking forward to serving on the
Parish Council to ensure the parish remains a thriving, connected community for future generations.

~ Grass Cutting:
We are about to go out to tender for the grass cutting contract for the next three years and as part of the specification a decision was taken to only cut
Splaynes Green once a year at the end of the season with a view to creating a wildlife meadow. This will take a few years to develop so please bear with us on this.

~ Telephone Box in Fletching High Street:
At the request of a resident, the Parish Council has decided to contact BT to ask whether it could purchase the telephone box in the High Street in Fletching which no longer has a connected phone in it. The resident has kindly offered to take on the responsibility of providing a book swop in the box if the Council is successful in purchasing it for a £1 from BT.

~ Fletching Parish Council Precept 2025/26:
At its meeting on 8 January the Parish Council voted to set the Parish Precept for 2025/26 at £61.39 for a Band D dwelling. This equates to an increase of £1.792 (3%) on the 2024/25 parish precept.

~ Badgers in the Burial Ground:
Unfortunately, we have evidence of badgers getting into the burial ground again. If you visit the burial ground you will see that we have fenced off an area as we don’t want any accidents. We are in touch with an ecological company who will come and assess the situation and provide advice on the next steps.

~ New website address and email for the Clerk:
The Council has changed its website address to and also the Clerk’s email address is now