MARCH 2025

The commons are really waking up now and the green shoots of the bluebells are showing in the woodland edges. The birds will be singing in the spring air so listen out for the Robins and Blackbirds who will be nesting. Robins are particularly aggressive at this time of year as they pair up and will chase most other similarly sized birds away, red-breasted or not. Long-tailed tits are busy now too. Keep an ear open for the drumming of woodpeckers; all three species (greater, lesser and green) make their presence known at this time of year as they establish territories and start breeding. The tawny owls are also in fine voice this month, while buzzards are displaying and rooks starting to nest.

February’s talk we welcomed Iain Parkinson who told us about the’ Beauty and utility of the meadow’. These areas are very valuable, and serious efforts are being made to re-establish many lost ones.

For further information, visit our website – or our Facebook page or

William Coleman - 01444 831098

Recent maintenance work on the commons has included removal of old birch and gorse on Red House and Romany Ridge and coppicing of the alder in the damp spring area on Lane End Common. With all the rain the leaky dams especially on Romany Ridge can be seen to be working by holding back the water behind them.

The ponies continue their good work browsing and nibbling the bramble and gorse and still prove elusive some days for our ‘lookerers’ to catch up with them.

Down at Markstakes Common the regular Monday volunteer group has been rebuilding the dead hedge around the high pond using coppiced willow and have been joined occasionally by helpers coming over from the Burnside Centre Burgess Hill - a dynamic day-opportunity service providing person-centred support for people over the age of 18 with a variety of care and support needs.

Forthcoming Events at Chailey Village Hall, 7.30 p.m.

Thursday, 13th March: AGM and Social. Photos of the Commons. Photos of the Commons.
Sunday, 6th April: Early Bird Walk with Adrian. 8.00 - 9.30 a.m. Romany Ridge car park.