Newick Badminton Club
New Season!
Newick Badminton Club play every Tuesday evening at
at Newick Village Hall.
We are a friendly club and welcome players of all abilities including beginners. You can drop in anytime between 7.45pm and 10.00pm to try us out. Racquets can be provided, and your first session is free! If you are interested in coming along, please call 07801 079334 or email
~ Danehill Memorial Hall Film Nights ~
2025 Dates for your diary
Tuesday 18th March
All start at 7.30pm, £10 entry
Newick Cinema
A Community-based Venture for Sunday Evenings
Our next show is on 23rd MARCH 2025.
We hope that many of you will be able to come and enjoy
As always there is a licensed bar, teas, coffees, cakes and ice cream plus an interval so that there is an opportunity to meet up with friends and have an enjoyable evening out in the village.
Booking in advance will secure seats in the front rows. You can also just come along at 7pm and buy a ticket on the door; the film will start at 7:30pm.
STARRING, Renee Zellweger, Leo Woodall, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth
Bridget Jones navigates life as a widow and single mum with the help of her family, friends, and former lover, Daniel. Things are looking good - she has a great job as a screenwriter, her family and a new boyfriend, but he is over twenty years younger than her and that isn’t the only thing that is causing problems ……….
23rd March 2025 in Newick Village Hall, Western Road, Newick BN8 4LY. Licensed bar and refreshments from 7.00 pm. Film starts 7.30 pm. Tickets: £8.00 (cash only) on the door, or by emailing detailed request to Subtitles and hearing loop in place.
Uckfield, Lewes & Newick Arts Society
March 12th 2025, 2.30 in the Civic Hall, Uckfield
Monuments and Memory
Dr Matt Wates
Dr Matt Wates holds a PhD in History of Art from Bristol University, where he is currently a lecturer. His talents do not end there as he is also a saxophonist, whom the great John Dankworth, no less, called “an incredibly talented musician and composer.”
Rainbows (age 4-7) and Brownies (age7-10) meet in Chailey Village Hall and have a few spaces for this coming term.
Rainbows and Brownies are such a good way to for your daughter to make new friends, have fun and grow her confidence gaining badges along the way. She’ll laugh, learn and have adventures - all at an affordable cost. And because our activities are designed to be for all girls, there’s a place for your daughter whatever her tastes or needs.
Rainbows and Brownies are offered all sorts of different opportunities both modern and more traditional including outdoor activities, cooking, games, arts and crafts and trips, and most definitely make the most of them, taking part in adventures and activities they have chosen and helped to plan.
Being part of Girlguiding means giving your child the tools she needs to thrive. It’s so much more than an after-school club.
Please contact for more information about Brownies age 7-10 and Rainbows age 4-7, or visit the Girlguiding website at and follow the link to register your daughter to join us
Chailey Windmill will be re-opening for the season on
Sunday 27th April from 3-5pm
We look forward to welcoming all visitors, old and new. As a reminder the best place to park is in the car park at the North Chailey Sports Ground and then walk the short walk along the A272 and up Mill Lane to the Windmill. Usual opening days are the last Sunday of evert month between April & September, which we will continue to do, but due to popular demand we are now going to be opening on two Sundays, in May, June, July & August, as listed below:
April 27th, May 11th (National Mills Weekend), 25th, June 15th, 29th, July 13th, 27th, August 17th, 31st, September 28th
The windmill is jam packed with memorabilia, artifacts and photos of a time gone by, please pop along and take a trip down memory lane with us. Visiting is free but donations are welcomed to support the up keep of this beautiful Windmill and story of the past. Chailey Windmill is also available for community activities, and we welcome contact from local groups that would like to arrange a visit.
Though the Mill will be closed until next April, private tours can be arranged outside of these dates. Please email We hope to see you at our wonderful local landmark soon. For more information please look at our Facebook page: @ChaileyWindmill
Gail Wickens on behalf of the Chailey Windmill Committee
Monuments throughout history have been created to celebrate either people or events. The very word monument is derived from the verb moneo/monere, meaning to remind. However sometimes the memory, as far as a conquering power was concerned, undesirable and would be either destroyed or ‘adapted.’
Few of us will forget the destruction of the 6th-century monumental statues known as the Buddhas of Bamiyan, dynamited by the Taliban in March 2001. Nearer home in Bristol the statue of Edward Colston, a slave trader, was toppled and thrown into the Harbour by protesters. Luckily some of the finest examples have survived, the Taj Mahal, the Pyramids, Stone Henge or even the London Eye can still be seen and wondered at.
We look forward to welcoming you. If you want to become a member of our society, please contact me for further information. Visitors of course are always welcome, £8 on the door please.
Annette Shelford,
Despite the really challenging weather in January, Chailey Repair Café has hit the ground running, with a busy start to 2025. The stormy weather didn't deter folks from bringing in a huge range of repairs to tackle and we are bracing ourselves for whatever you throw at us next! (and the weather is improving, hopefully!)
We were delighted to receive a visit from Councillor Lesley Boniface, Chair of Lewes District Council in January (see photo). The support of local and indeed national politicians is really important to the Repair Café movement and many of them understand the importance of the work we do for the local community.
We are now in our 8th year and in that time have seen an amazing variety of items brought to us for repair. East Sussex is clearly a county of toast eaters, as we've had a large number of toasters in recently! Don't leave it too late to bring us your bikes as we get ready for what we hope is going to be a decent spring. The same applies to those garden tools which have been loitering in your shed over the winter - we can sharpen them and get those mowers and strimmers to work much better than they did when you put them away!!
We have an IT team who will not only get your laptop or iPad working properly again but will also spend time showing you how to use it if you’ve got stuck. It’s all in a day’s work for this successful local initiative which has gone from strength to strength since we opened our doors for the first time in 2018.
Our 2025 dates are easy to remember - we are normally open every 2nd Saturday of each month between 10am - 1pm. Our new 2025 posters and flyers with all this year’s dates are now available at the Cafe, so you won’t forget!
Chailey Repair Cafe is part of a world wide movement where volunteer experts repair things free of charge - although a donation towards running costs is invited. Anyone can bring along broken items or clothing needing repair from home and have a cuppa and a cake while they wait!
You’ll find us at St Peter’s Church, Chailey on the A275 at Chailey Green normally on the second Saturday of each month (8th Feb, 8th March and so on……) between 1000hrs and 1300hrs where we have a full Cafe service including our legendary cakes!
Contact us at and we’ll see what
we can do to help.
See you very soon!!
Chailey and Newick Painting Group
Huge thanks to all the visitors who came to our art exhibition in November - around 400 of you, something of a record! We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed welcoming you and sharing with you some of our year’s endeavours. We really appreciated the many comments about the increasingly high standard of the work on display - but still aim to do even better next year!
The winner, this year, of the Graham Barber Memorial Trophy was Hagop Kasparian, his wonderful painting, ‘Reflections at Low Tide, Pin Mill’, gaining the most votes for favourite painting. Congratulations Hagop, very well deserved.
Our original art tombola was a sell-out which, together with your very generous donations both at the exhibition and on the Just Giving page of our website, means over £1,000 has been raised for St Peter & St James Hospice - another very big thank you, we know how grateful the Hospice always is for much-needed funds.
For those who were unable to come to the exhibition - or wish to take another look - the majority of the work on display can be viewed on our website: The Just Giving page in favour of the Hospice is always open for donations there too, you can see what we get up to on Monday mornings, get in touch with us or perhaps download an application form for our waiting list if you would like to join us.
We look forward to seeing you all again this year, November 22nd & 23rd.
Uckfield Art Group Are Working Hard.....
Members from Uckfield Art Group are working hard on their new pictures for their Art Exhibition and Sale on Saturday 31st May 2025. The Theme Section this time will feature Nursery Rhymes. So far ideas being discussed have been Ring A Ring Of Roses, Lavender’s Blue, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Little Jack Horner, Three Blind Mice, Humpty Dumpty and Ride A Cock Horse To Bambury Cross. It has come to light that there are several different versions of Mary Had A Little Lamb. Not quite as wholesome as the original version!
Doors open 10am - 4pm Luxford Centre, Library Way, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1AR.
More details nearer the time, but please make a note of the date and come and see for yourselves how the ideas have been interpreted.
Fiona Flower