Church Notices.jpg

Painting by Carol Campbell

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Support the village cafe!

You will be pleased to hear that our fund-raising has reached its target, with some headroom for any additional expenses that may arise. A big thank you to all who have so generously contributed to this project. Work is due to start at the end of June and further information on arrangements will be available shortly, once details have been confirmed with the organ builder.

Easter Lilies

We shall once again be decorating the Church for Easter Sunday, 20th April, with commemorative lilies.

If you would like to donate a Lily, or several, in memory of loved ones, please let us know by emailing:

There will be a list provided in the Church for you to write your name together with those
whom you wish to be remembered.
A donation towards the cost of the lilies would be much appreciated. Please email for bank details.

The Flower Guild

TUE - FRI: 10am - 4.30pm
SAT: 9am - 1pm

A warm welcome from us
all at FBS!

Hello there! My name is Tor, I am your new Fletching Bonfire Society Communications Officer and I’m excited to be here!

The FBS AGM was held on the 31st of January and we were thrilled to see members of the community supporting. The top table remains largely unchanged, but we welcome Neil Parkes back as Vice Chair. I have no doubt that this team will continue to excel. However, we are still missing one vital team member, so if you have even the slightest desire of being our treasurer we would be
incredibly grateful!

On to the best stuff; we have a quiz on March 15th, and in the longer run we have a Race Night on April 12th, an Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast on April 19th, a Plant and Bake Sale on May 17th, and the Village Fete will be on July 5th.

For more information about events please see our Facebook page, the FBS website, the noticeboard at the Village Hall, or become a member and receive a monthly newsletter with attached digital calendars, so you never miss anything fun!

For membership enquiries please email Katie at Membership is only open for a few months so get in early, and don’t forget to ask about the 100 Club when you do!

Vaughan Thomas won the Bumper December Jackpot and took the grand prize of £150! January winners were Beth Sykes (#31), Kate Minch (#88) and
Alan Vockins (#56), congratulations to you all.

I would like to personally thank everyone who was involved with the Burn’s Night. The team behind the scenes outdid themselves, as did the front of house on the night. I would like to give particular thanks to everyone who came along and was so enthusiastic about getting involved. I would also like to thank Denniker Farm Shop and Bay & Bellflower for their wonderful contributions to proceedings.

If you are looking to help out, here are some simple ideas:
1. Donate tombola or raffle prizes, or damaged/unwanted crockery. Please email Will at to arrange collection/delivery.
2. Come to our events! It’s always so lovely to get together.
3. Get involved! Have your voice heard! Do you have a great idea for an event? A fundraiser you’d like to help run? Something you’d like to see FBS do? Drop me a message at and let’s chat!

I am delighted to have this opportunity to give something back to this wonderful community, because community doesn’t just happen, it’s up to everyone to make it, so come make up part of ours!



Every 6 years we are required to totally update our Electoral Roll at Fletching Church. Membership means that you can vote on the affairs of the church and stand for office. To qualify you just need to feel that Fletching Church is your Church, although you do have to be over 16 and have been christened. You don’t have to live in the parish.

Application forms can be found in the Church or obtained from
Peter Ross, the Electoral Roll Officer, on 01825 729132, or

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER (Interdenominational)

The Theme is Written by the Christian Women of The Cook Islands

The Cook Islanders have celebrated 200 years of Christianity in the group of 15 islands, spread over 800,000 sq miles in the Pacific Ocean. This year they share their stories of struggle during Covid-19, of their culture being devalued and of the improvements in obstetric health care. We give thanks for their honesty and their witness to God’s strength in their lives.

Based on the words of Psalm 139, and woven within the stories of three women, this service invites us to recognize that God created each of us with great attention and loving care. God created us. God knows us. God is with us.
What a wonderful message to share.


On Friday 7th March 2025 at 2.00 p.m