Buses and news from Piltdown
Sussex Express, 18 June 1954
Fletching - Call For Adequate Bus Alternative
The proposal to close the line was discussed by members of Fletchlng Parish Council at a special meeting on Monday. A resolution which was passed stated: “That the suspension of passenger traffic on the line through Sheffield Park Station would be reasonable provided that the services operated or to be operated by Southdown Motor Services. Ltd.. be as follows:
1. The No. 20 bus to termlnate each hour at Sheffield Park, the proposed service being entirely Inadequate.
2. The No 32 bus service to be amended so that the first daily bus at Fletching Church Corner for Uckfield leaves there at 8 am. and returns there at 8.40 a,m, and to be be hourly each way. and that bus shelters be provided at Sheffield Park and Plltdown cross-roads.”
The resolution also emphasised that it Is vital to the needs of the district that the goods service be retained in full, any alteration would cause suffering and hardship and additional charges for deliveries and would throw further intolerable burden on the already overcrowded roads in the area with consequent danger to human life.
The resolution was proposed by Colonel A. G. Huntley and seconded by
Mr. E. G. Martin, and was carried unanimously. The Clerk, Mr. T. R W. Bielby. was instructed to forward it to the Transport Commission (Redhill Station).
PILTDOWN WI president, Mrs. Philip Jones, gave a moving account of her recent visit to Arnhem and the laying of a wreath from the Women’s Institute on the memorial in the military cemetery.
Birthday posies of delightful variety were presented to Miss Beatty. Miss Dann, Mrs. Dennett. Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Kltchin. and letter of thanks for flowers sent during her illness was read from Mrs. Hayllar. Members were reminded of the group meeting at Uckfield today (Friday), for which Piltdown were hostesses. Mrs. Stobart reported on the enjoyable outing to Wisley Gardens, and schedules for the produce show in July were issued by Mrs. Sherman.
Discussion on resolutions at the A.G.M. at the Royal Albert Hall this week, was led by Mrs Unsworth-Whlte. and the thanks of the members were expressed by Miss Hughes. The branch delegate was the president. The tea hostesses were Mrs. Sears, Miss Beatty and Mrs. Cole.